Rahul Gupta


Senior Applied Science Manager, Amazon AGI

Previous Affiliations:

I work with a team of scientists focusing on various research topics in Responsible AI including fairness, safety and security. Examples of my research work include building metrics applicable to RAI (see here and here), mitigations (see here) and analysis articles (see here). My team also organizes workshops and tutorials on RAI topics. Please feel free to browse my publications for a list of my recent research focus.

A necessary but not sufficient condition for an AGI from my perspective: An AI is AGI if we can no longer design Captchas that can fool AI.


  • We are organizing the fourth edition of TrustNLP at NAACL and Trustworthy Speech processing workshop at ICASSP. We have a few upcoming papers at NAACL. Please visit the list of publications to view the list. Looking forward to the conference.

  • We have one paper accpeted at ACL 2024.